Campaign 2024/2025 closed.
We invite you to participate in the next campaign at the end of June 2025, when the new book lists will be published.
The Book Bank gives the opportunity to families members of AMPA with children in ESA Secondary school students to donate their textbooks and reading books in good condition to the Book Bank. The textbooks received will be used to create a stock for annual loans to participating families.
Only books that will be used the following school year will be accepted as donations. To find out what these books are, families should consult the list provided by the School on its website.
Only families who donate their books will be able to receive the annual loan upon request. Families with children in 5th grade will be the only ones eligible to borrow books without prior donation.
More Information
Inicio campaña de donación/préstamo 2023-2024. Desde el 28 de junio al 7 de julio
Una vez más nos lanzamos en esta iniciativa de reciclaje de libros usados, donde cada año se suman más familias, concientizando a nuestros hijos sobre el cuidado de sus libros, contribuyendo al medio ambiente y a un ahorro en los gastos escolares!
El periodo de participación será a partir del 28 de junio y la fecha límite para entregar los libros donados y los prestados será el viernes 7 de julio, fecha en que se cierra la campaña de petición y recepción.
Start of the donation/loan campaign 2023-2024. From 28 June to 7 July
Once again we launch ourselves in this used book recycling initiative, where more families join each year, raising awareness among our children about the care of their books, contributing to the environment and saving school expenses!
The period start on 28 June and the deadline to deliver the donated and borrowed books will be Friday, July 7, the date on which the request and reception campaign closes.
Dear families,
We thank everyone who has participated in the 2023/2024 Book Bank campaign. Every year more and more families join, which generates an increase in donations and loans. Bravo!
Once again we are pleased to inform you that 100% of the families who donated useful books have received books on loan.
This year a total of 54 families participated (vs. 52 in 2022/23) and we have lent 182 books (vs. 158 last year). This work implies not only a saving in the school expenses of these families, but also an increase in the useful life of the books.
We hope to count on you in the campaign next June 2024 !!!!
ATTENTION! The opening dates for the 2024/2025 campaign will be published here in June 2024. Until then, take care of your books and remember;
- Exchange students’ books are returned in December.
- In June we return the books for the rest of the students, donate the books in good condition in a bag with name and enclose the request form for the next school year.
- It is aimed at families members of AMPA of all sections of 5th grade Primary and all Secondary cycles.
- Only textbooks and reading books to be used in the following school year are donated.
- Books must be donated in good condition.
- Books should be donated/returned without the student's name. During the use of the book, the student's name must be written on a sticker on the cover and not in the book.
- Workbooks are excluded.
- Participation in the book loan program is voluntary.
- Complete and print the Membership Form and the Request Form, and include them in a bag with the donated books. Families who are already participating do not need to fill out the membership form when returning the loaned books.
- The bag will be delivered in the security entrance at the secondary school door.
- Once the books have been reviewed by the management committee, the allocation of the books will be made.
- Families will be informed before 16 July via email of the books they will receive at the beginning of the school year. In this way, they will have enough time to purchase the books they have not been able to borrow from the Book Bank.
Yes, from the 2021-2022 academic year, school reading books will be accepted.
No, donations are in June and July and loans are made the first week of September.
Soy una familia nueva en la escuela y necesito un libro
Por favor, envíanos un email indicando el o los libros que necesites y te responderemos.
I am a new family at the school and I need a book.
Please send us an email indicating the book you need and we will get back to you.

Book Bank
Responsible from PA: