
Thank you to all those families that have signed up to form part of the AMPA Management Committee and collaborate in improving the school for our children. This is the list the new members of the Management Committee for 2024:


Carlos Ayala

Marieta Colera

Ianko Ignatiev

Judith Martinez Wisbar

Elodie Oliveira

Juliana Rickli Sierra

Spyridon Spyratos



The elections of new members of the Parents Association Management Committee (AMPA MC) will be held on Thursday 19 September of 2024. The Management Committee usually meets once a month for a 3-hour meeting at school (from 18:00 to 21:00). The time dedication of each member depends on the working groups he or she is collaborating with. You can collaborate with the AMPA MC in two different ways:

  • As a full member of the Management Committee: assisting monthly meetings and collaborating in your desired area (please check below) and reporting back to the Management Committee
  • As a Working Group (WG) member: collaborating in your desired area and reporting back to your Working Group lead. 

We hope to be able to count on enough parents to continue the work of all the working groups and even expand our working groups with new ideas to improve the well-being of our children in school. Without new members at MC, some of the working groups will have to stop functioning and some of the services might stay without the necessary attention and supervision from MC side. For example, we can no longer circulate the minutes of the AMPA MC nor management meetings, we can no longer assist you in canteen and transport questions, we can no longer represent you in the Education Councils, etc.

We encourage all parents and guardians to run for the next elections of the AMPA’s Management Committee by filling out this form.


The period for submission of applications will be from 3 until 18 September. Your application will be published on the AMPA website so as to inform all members.

The work of the MC is divided into different groups that cover various areas. We have highlighted the posts which need to be filled in urgently. 

  • Management Board. Every year the posts of the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer are elected between the members of the Management Committee. President and vice-president are participating in all the meetings with the school management and are members of the Administrative Board of the School. These posts are only for full MC members. A volunteer is needed for Secretary’s post – someone who likes drafting meeting agendas and minutes.

WORKING GROUPS – you can participate as a WG lead (full time MC member) or as a collaborator. 

  • Canteen. From the 2023/2024 school year, the school is in charge of managing the organization of the school canteen service for all grades including the Chispa. The external service provider is Ausolan, who manages enrollment and payments. AMPA is part of the Canteen Committee.
  • Extracurricular activities. From the 2024/2025 school year, the school is in charge of managing the organization of the extracurricular activities service for Nursery and Primary school. The external service provider is AUCA who manages enrollment and payments.
  • School bus service. AMPA collaborates in the organization of the school transport including the tracing of routes based on the needs of Nursery, Primary and Secondary school families.  The current external service provider is MiSOL which manages enrollment and payments.
  • InterParents. This is the federation of AMPAs from all European Schools. The main objective is to change best practices and represent families in different
    administrative bodies of the European Schools. InterParents representatives meet 4 times a year in different European Schools. Online assistance at the meetings is possible. Three new working group members are needed!First InterParents meeting in 2024/2025 school year will be held in Brussels on 7-8 October 2024.
  • Pedagogical interests. We take part in school meetings, committees and councils throughout the school year so as to communicate and pass on the interests and proposals of families to the School management. A representative for primary and a representative for secondary school is needed!
  • Well-being. We are part of the school’s working group, and follow up on incidents reported to us by families.
  • Web & Communications. We manage our web page and prepare and send the Newsletters and other communications to our members.
  • Eureka! This is a working group that manages lost property. This group provides great assistance to families and manages to return a large proportion of lost objects to their owners.
  • School celebrations. The AMPA actively participates in the preparatory meetings and helps out in the Schools annual celebrations such as Christmas Market and Springfest. A coordinator is needed!
  • Students Mobility programme. We contribute to the European School Mobility Programme, which connects families from all European Schools, facilitating the exchange of information and helping to find hosting families to students coming to Alicante from other European Schools. A coordinator is needed!
  • AMPA Talks. This group is responsible for organising talks and discussions on various topics for families.
  • Sustainability. We collaborate with the school on different projects. A representative from primary school and a representative from secondary school is needed!
  • Family Buddy. We recently launched this initiative to welcome new families in our School and in Alicante.
  • Book Bank. New project that allows to extend the life of books and that is sustainable thanks to the donation and loan between participating families.

How to apply

Parents from the association can present their application by filling out this form. Candidates will be asked later to provide a photograph. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to: info@ampaescuelaeuropea.com. We look forward to working together with YOU!

Management Committee Election Procedure

(terms and conditions approved at the AMPA Extraordinary General Meeting on 10.04.2003)

Election of at least half the Management Committee (Art. 21 and 25 of the AMPA Statutes). The members leaving the Committee will remain active until authority is passed to the new members.
After counting the votes, the 14 most-voted candidates will form part of the new Management Committee. Their responsibilities will be determined at a later date, at the first meeting of the new Management Committee. In the event that the number of 14 candidates is not exceeded, it will not be necessary to hold elections and the candidates will directly be appointed as members of the Management Committee.

This is composed of two (2) Management Committee members and two (2) voluntary AMPA members. All parents in the association who wish to take part as observers are welcome. Please send us an email to info@ampaescuelaeuropea.com.
The candidates may not be members of the electoral board.

The candidate application period will be open from 3 to 18 September 2024.

Who can apply?  

All parents in the association who are willing to collaborate actively in the AMPA for the benefit of our school community. The applications must be individual.

Only parents who are members of the Association and are on the census can vote.

All parents whose annual fee for the school year 2024/2025 was paid may participate in the elections. 

You will find a voting slip online on the AMPA website from where it can be downloaded once the period for presenting candidacies is over. Voting slips are also available on a table set up for this purpose by the Electoral Board on the day of elections. No voting slips that differ in any way from the official one will be allowed. Only one vote per family is allowed.

Each voting slip is made up of a single list containing the first names and surnames of the candidates. A maximum number of seven (7) candidates can be elected and any slips on which more than seven candidates are marked shall be considered null and void.

Proxy Voting
There will be no voting by proxy.

How to vote
Voting can be carried out in two ways:

Online: Please fill in the online form which will be available on AMPA website on 19. September 2024. Please mark seven (7) candidates. Any slips on which more than seven candidates are marked shall be considered null and void.

Election date and time
Thursday 19 September 2024. Vote collection hours: 8.45-16.30. Votes will be collected to the excel sheet and counted at 16:30. 

After taking the minutes, the results of the vote will be published on the AMPA website on 20 September 2024.

The new Management Committee will be ratified at the General Assembly of the AMPA (estimated date and time: Thursday 3 October 2024 at 17:30).